Formed as an independent venture, Rubin Advisors has helped corporations secure incentive commitments in excess of $451M for proposed investments totaling more than $2B throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
About Us

About Leslie
Leslie has been providing economic development services to private sector companies for nearly 30 years, the majority of which were competitive interstate projects. She has also advised and consulted with manufacturers on environmental and health industry related issues. Her expertise comes from having owned, operated and managed economic development consulting firms and two biotechnology businesses, having served in the public sector as an administrator of a government division and having successfully obtained and administered millions in grants.
Who We Are
We are an economic development consulting firm serving private sector entities throughout North America.
Rubin Advisors Inc, established by Leslie Rubin, Ph.D., is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our team has in depth experience, knowledge and an extensive record of successful performance.
Companies throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico have received incentive commitments through the efforts of Rubin Advisors, the cumulative value of which now exceeds $451 million on projected investments totaling $2 billion.
Our team provides economic development consulting services that include site selection, incentive and infrastructure procurement strategies and negotiation, grant administration, and program compliance services.
Companies need to focus their resources and energy on their growth projects. We manage the administrative details of economic business assistance programs minimizing the need for staff time while providing multiple occasions for work product oversight.
Economic Business Assistance Strategies and Negotiation
Our economic business assistance life cycle services are customized to your project. We research the spectrum of business assistance at all levels of government and assess their potential for contribution to your project. We then define a strategy which will produce the best and most desired combination of benefits.
Our economic assistance compliance services manage the ongoing company reporting obligations. Business assistance commitments and contract execution are only a portion of the process that ensures dollars committed to your project are dollars received. Centralized management of your compliance obligations means there is one source to contact for all assistance program questions, compliance status updates and expected benefit timetable.
We are experienced
Our team has provided economic development consulting services for decades across North America.
We understand government
Our team has government experience including serving as a former Director of Planning for the City of Indianapolis.
We Listen
Defining a strategy best suited to your company comes with understanding who you are.
We impact your bottom line
by staying focused on realizable benefits and using our system for tracking the details.
We represent continuity
Our client relationships typically span decades and several projects.
We see the big picture
and miss none of the details.
Our Process
Our process is designed to deliver the maximum realizable economic assistance. This is achieved by first understanding the unique elements of your project, then by developing and executing a strategy and finally by being persistent.
The dual challenge of economic assistance programs is having an appreciation for the larger economic desires of the community in which a project occurs while being able to focus on the details. Only under these circumstances are the maximum benefits realized.
Sample Benefits Realized
Every economic assistance program has eligibility criteria, application and contractual obligations. While most programs focus on investment, job creation, job retention and wages over time, the form in which the data is provided and the validation of the data varies.
Benefits typically impact one of the three business related expenses:
CAPEX offset - cash grants that impact upfront project investments
OPEX offset - cash reimbursement programs that impact ongoing operational expenses
TAX offset - tax credits and tax abatements typically fall into this downstream benefit
Most jurisdictions emphasize the use of TAX based benefits, which provide a level of assurance to a community that the benefit it tied to performance. OPEX benefits are common in the form of training cost in-kind or reimbursement benefits or incentives tied to new utility usage. Infrastructure assistance is by far the most common CAPEX tool, but typically comes with constraints as to how and where the funds can be used. CAPEX benefits tend to be higher in competitive site selection and brownfield developments.
Our Partners, Current and Prior
Most services provided by Rubin Advisors Inc are kept confidential at the request of clients. For this reason, we do not share their names.
Names are only part of the story….
Rubin Advisors by the numbers conveys a depth of experience
Number of projects referenced 33
Cumulative project investments exceed $2 billion
Cumulative project benefit commitments delivered $451 million
Rubin Advisors negotiation strategy demonstrates our commitment to the client by:
Securing benefits that are realizable
Emphasizing up front cash and project cost savings over downstream benefits
Assisting with the ongoing administration and program compliance
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